Express Check Annual Exam
Quality exam without the wait
We know you are busy and don’t want to spend your valuable time sitting in the doctor’s office waiting room. We realize and appreciate that you take the time to come into our office for routine Annual examinations, and it is always our goal to provide you with excellent gynecologic care. The reality is that practitioners often run behind schedule, leaving you somewhat frustrated and feeling like you are wasting your time in the waiting room.
Women who come to their doctor’s offices for routine health maintenance examinations may also have other issues that are minor and/or longstanding and feel that bringing these concerns up for discussion during the annual examination is efficient and time-saving. The inherent problem with this is that seemingly minor issues actually require a lot of dialogue and likely further testing or evaluation, something very difficult to do during a visit designed specifically for a short routine exam.
Express Check Annual examinations will be offered by appointment only and on certain days of the week.
This annual examination is specifically intended for women who need their yearly exam but literally have no issues, concerns, or questions and have very limited time to spend in the doctor’s office. These appointments are geared to run on time, all day. Our patient’s total time in the office would likely be around 30 minutes and will include a thorough examination, current gynecologic medication refills if needed as well as lab slips and referrals for any indicated routine labs and mammograms. If there are any questions or concerns about other gynecologic issues, they will not be addressed during the express check annual.